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Careers and Enterprise

Our designated careers leader is Amy Hesketh-Carthy.  To contact, please email A.Hesketh-Carthy@Northampton-Academy.org

Northampton Academy is committed to providing our students with a programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all students in years 7-13. The programme the Academy delivers makes a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. Please click on the link below to look at the careers programme.

Northampton Academy Careers Programme

Northampton Academy follows the National ACEG Framework for 11-19 in England (updated February 2014) and other relevant guidance from DCSF, QCA and Ofsted as it appears.

We work closely with SEMLEP (South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership) and in conjunction with the Careers & Enterprise Company, in order to keep abreast of all the latest career and industry trends. In addition, Northampton Academy enjoys a successful partnership with the University of Northampton, providing a host of enterprise opportunities and skills workshops, benefitting students through every Key Stage. This association also provides support from Aspire Higher/Uni Connect (Formerly the National Collaborative Outreach Programme NCOP).

Key Partnerships:

  • Aspire Higher/Uni Connect (Formerly the National Collaborative Outreach Programme NCOP)This funding allows less privileged students to access further and higher education engagements, encouraging them to see university as a viable option.  These engagements include events such as car crash medics and crimescence to courtroom experience.
  • SEMLEP (South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership)
    Our involvement with SEMLEP allows us to share good practice with other education facilities and partner with local businesses within the local area, as well as providing access to a wide variety of career related opportunities.
  • Unifrog 
    Unifrog is a new Careers initiative within the academy. The platform will be available to all students from years 7-13 and will provide them with a one-stop shop to access trusted advice and guidance, focussing on increasing awareness of a variety of pathways, developing understanding of the skills and competencies of different career routes, and allowing students to complete a progressive plan of their future steps.
  • University of Northampton
    We work closely with the University of Northampton to provide students with the opportunity to experience all that university offers as part of the school outreach and Widening Participation programmes.
  • Barclaycard 
    Our partnership with Barclaycard provides an opportunity for work experience placements, student talks, an invitation to attend educational events aimed at encouraging students to consider a career in areas such as IT and Cyber Security and mentors who support our students through our Year 10 Work Related Learning Programme.
  • Travis Perkins 
    Travis Perkins act as an Enterprise Ambassador for Northampton Academy, ensuring a wealth of career related opportunities for our students to take advantage of. Travis Perkins support students through a variety of enterprise initiatives aimed at ensuring students are aware of the opportunities available from local employers.

The Provider Access Legislation was encated by the governemnt in January 2023.  The aim of the legislation is to ensure students have access to all pathways and opportunities available to them.  

For further information please see below the full government guidance, please follow the link: 

Careers Guidance and a Access for Education and Training Providers >>>

Click here to view the Northampton Academy Provider Access Policy >>>

Northampton Academy actively encourage former students to come back into school and share their experiences and advice to younger students. If you have a story to share, or would like to be featured on our Alumni page, please email A.Hesketh-Carthy@northampton-academy.org

The Gatsby Benchmarks are made up of eight benchmarks that shape what a good careers provision within an education establishment should look like.  For more information on the Gatsby Benchmark please follow the link: https://www.semlep.com/resource-hub/growing-people-/gatsby-benchmark-guidance/

Careers Policies

Useful Information

Please click the logo above to access the Unifrog sign-in page.

Useful Links

Ofsted Investors in People School Sport Partnership


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