Principal's Welcome
Thank you for visiting our website, and I am delighted to welcome you to Northampton Academy. We are part of a group of academies, primaries, and independent schools called United Learning.
The United Learning motto is 'The Best in Everyone', and we wholeheartedly subscribe to this philosophy. Northampton Academy's vision and mission are simple:
"To be an Academy of Character and Excellence. To provide a unique and extraordinary experience that sets us apart: locally, nationally and internationally."
"We exist to provide the students of the Eastern District with equal or better life chances than any student in the UK."
Martin Luther King put it perfectly when he said: 'Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.'
We fully subscribe to this at the Academy. We have a well-sequenced, aspirational curriculum for all, underpinned by excellent teaching and behaviour. We ensure that we are developing phronesis in our students so they can make the right decisions, at the right time, for the right reason.
Our outcomes are very strong at both GCSE and A Level. We are heavily oversubscribed in every year group, and our highly academic Sixth Form of Character received record applications again this year. We were proud to receive an 'Outstanding' judgement in our March 2023 Ofsted inspection under the new framework:
'Pupils thrive at this school. They know that staff 'go above and beyond' to provide an outstanding education for them. Pupils are happy and feel safe.'
(Ofsted, March 2023)
We are committed to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum with excellent enrichment and leadership opportunities at all levels. We are also delighted to offer our Nucleus STEM provision and an Elite Sports Programme; both will stretch our most able students in these areas.
'Leaders have carefully planned the curriculum so that pupils can learn new knowledge in a highly structured way. Lessons are extremely well sequenced to ensure that pupils build on what they have learned before. Pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum. Pupils achieve exceptionally well.'
(Ofsted, March 2023).
We are now nationally recognised for our Character Development Programme, which we systemically deliver through assemblies, tutor time reading, lessons, PSHE and many other facets of the school.
'There is an impressive personal development and character programme. Leaders consider the education of the whole child. Leaders have ensured that the school's values permeate through everything that the school does.'
(Ofsted March 2023)
As a school community, we work together towards our vision of being an 'Academy of Character and Excellence'. We are looking to expand the great work we have already done to a national level, and in some cases, like our Character and Nucleus STEM programmes, to an international level. I am excited to have such a dedicated staff body here to help us realise our vision. We will never settle for 'good enough' at Northampton Academy and always strive for excellence in everything we do.
We base our character programme around our Pillars of Virtue:
- Respect - Showing consideration for the views, opinions, and beliefs of others
- Determination - Never giving up
- Ambition - Aiming high, not just for what you want to be, but for who you wish to be
- Tolerance - The ability and willingness to accept the existence of opinions or beliefs that are different from our own.
- Integrity - Doing the right thing, even when nobody is watching
We are fully committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of our young people; it is at the heart of what we do. Because of this, we create 'An exceedingly strong culture of safeguarding' (Ofsted, March 2023) and 'Students are happy and feel safe' (Ofsted, March 2023).
Every decision we make as an organisation puts our students first. We are a fully inclusive school and ensure every student at the Academy flourishes. I am proud to lead this diverse and unique set of students and staff at the school; our differences unite us.
The student behaviour system is simple, easy to administer in lessons, and removes the burden from teachers.
'The behaviour of pupils is exemplary. They are respectful, well-mannered and polite.'
(Ofsted, March 2023).
As a result, Northampton Academy is a school where teachers can focus purely on their core purpose of delivering excellent lessons.
We exist to provide our students with equal or better life chances, and it is my role to ensure that I create the environment for this to happen. I operate with an open-door policy and welcome anyone to contact me regarding any concerns. I will always work collaboratively with my staff to find solutions.
I hope you find the information on this website helpful; you can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with what is happening at the Academy.
Owen Jones