School Lockers
School lockers are available to rent online in most areas of the school via an external company called Secure Locker Rentals.
The cost of a locker is £21 for the academic year. You can purchase a locker in advance, but we advise you to wait until your child starts in September so that you can choose the location of your locker near where most of your lessons or tutor groups are.
Further information on locker rental is available here:
How to Rent your Locker:
Once on the web app do the following:
• Enter your LOCATION
• Choose your PREFERRED LOCKER AREA from the drop down menu (if available)
• Where prompted enter your details and read and agree to the terms and conditions
• Click on RENT LOCKER and follow the instructions for entering your payment details
• You will then be emailed a locker code and the number of your locker compartment.
How to Access your Locker
- Go to the locker number detailed on your confirmation email
- Enter the 4 digit code detailed on your email and open the lock
- Should you forget your code, it can be reissued by visiting and clicking on the re-issue my locker code link
If you have any problems please contact Locker Rentals directly using the support portal on their website here:
If your child experiences problems with their lockers whilst in school, they should speak to their Learning Manager.