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Network, Visit, Inspire: The PA Foundation in Cambridge

Categories: Latest Academy News, Featured

Ten Year 9 and 10 students attended an event at PA Foundation in Cambridge on Thursday, 18th January. The event was organised to encourage girls to take an interest in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). The event was held in partnership with the organisation STEMettes, an award-winning enterprise to support girls, women and non-binary people in STEM careers.

The girls worked with engineers and scientists from PA consultancy to design and create a new sustainable product. They looked at different materials and tried to meet a detailed brief. They designed a lotion bottle, collapsible flask, and packaging for transporting vaccines.

The winners of the competition were Maisie O, Maisie M, Destiny W, and Tamara F. They created a fantastically constructed and designed lotion bottle that impressed all of the professional engineers in the room. After the competition, the students received a tour of state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and laboratories. They also took part in a Q and A with three of the PA Consultancy's leading female engineers. They talked about their careers to date and their experiences working in STEM.

Network, Visit, Inspire: The PA Foundation in Cambridge

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